Mission statement
As more and more women move into leadership positions, we recognize the need to reimagine what strong women look like today. The Women in Quality Forum provides an unbiased and safe place for women to share their stories and ideas and be heard. The forum offers mentorship opportunities and also helps organizations build their female leadership pipeline.
Through networking, sharing advice, mentorship, and educational activities, we can make a difference in each other’s lives, professionally and personally.
Welcome to our Community,
Christy Mazzarisi.
Our forum meets bi- monthly. Men are also welcome to attend. We emphasize the value of learning in all aspects of work and life. Based on survey responses, the Women in Quality Forum has already held several successful virtual events that include financial literacy, negotiations, wellness care and quality topics such as regulatory compliance.
We like to hear from you. What you like to see? Please send an e-mail to the chair of the Women in Quality Forum, Christy Mazzarisi.